
WCOPA-Entry Deposit

Original price was: $3,500.00.Current price is: $3,000.00.

Confirmation Deposit Payment:

Secure your order by making a confirmation deposit now, and pay the remaining balance later. Your order will be confirmed upon receipt of the deposit, and you will receive instructions for the remaining payment.



  • Select your preferred payment option above.
  • Complete the required fields and proceed to the next step.
  • For Full Payment, enter your payment details for a one-time transaction.
  • For 3 x 1000 Installment Payment, you will be prompted to set up automatic payments for the remaining installments.
  • For Confirmation Deposit Payment, make the initial deposit to secure your entry, and instructions for the remaining payment will be provided.

Please note that your order will only be finalized upon the successful completion of the selected payment option.

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WCOPA-Entry Deposit
Original price was: $3,500.00.Current price is: $3,000.00.